email about concept
I am forever trying to get a four person chess game going i.e. conceived to my liking it is a triangle of chess pieces on each side of a 11 by 11 board with the king center inside pawns up and down and so forth balanced by bishops one in front of the other in front of the king either side of the king is queens then nights one up from the queens and rooks on the end with of course a that layer of pawns going up the sides I mentioned before
as I reread this before I send it in i see the mistake in the game just one layer of pawns where their needed to be two making the board thirteen by thirteen a more round number indeed but for it to work there would need to be an alteration in the pawn movement and the kings are easily attacked by the diagonals (until a second layer of pawns is added) leading to possible well with out a revamp of pawn movement then the whole thing falls apart lead me to realize i should construct it into a dimensional game forming a pyramid like time vectors but with out the ability to brainstorm with other players at the same time or at lest people who understood what i was getting at the game had an early death around the time I joined PBeM server.... any way we can work on this together if we want to I am open to suggestions?
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